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Txoj Hau Kev Los Sau Npe Nkag

Muaj 4 txoj kev yooj yim uas koj yuav sau npe ua ib tug pub

  1. Register online. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes!
  2. Yuav tsum muaj ib daim ntawv tso cai rau koj daim ID los yog daim ntawv tsav tsheb. Tsuas kos lub thawv rau ntawm koj daim ntawv thov thaum rov qab thov lossis thov tom qhov chaw ua ntawv tso cai los sis xa ntawv tuaj rau koj.
  3. Sau npe thaum uas ua ntawv thov kev pab yos hav zoov thiab nuv ntses. Minnesotans kuj muaj caij nyoog sau npe ua ib tug neeg pub thaum uas thov lawv yos hav zoov thiab nuv ntses hauv internet. Tau koj yos hav zoov thiab nuv ntses.
  4. Sign up to be a donor in the Health App of any Apple mobile device like your iPhone or iPad. Click here to learn how in just a few taps.
Tus neeg uas ua daim ntawv
Sau Npe Rau Neeg Ua Hauj Lwm

Koom cov neeg uas tau ntsuam xyuas lub thawv "Yes" twb

  • 58% 58% Minnesota Sau Npe
  • 62% 62% South Dakota Registration tus nqi
  • 55% 55% North Dakota Registration tus nqi
  • 48% 48% National Registration Rate

Vim li cas koj yuav tsum sau npe

  1. Koj hlub sawv daws yuav tuaj. Documenting koj xav txog donation yuav siv sij hawm uas txiav txim tawm ntawm koj tsev neeg tom qab. Nws kuj yuav muab lawv nrog lub hom phiaj ntawm lub hom phiaj thiab kho nyob rau hauv ib lub sij hawm mob thiab poob. Tom qab koj sau npe, nrog koj tsev neeg tham txog qhov kev txiav txim no. Xyuas cov dab neeg no donation.
  2. Tej uas koj txiav txim siab ua yuav pab tau lwm tus. Ib tug pub yuav txuag tau thiab kho ntau tshaj 75 tus neeg. Tshaj 100,000 tus neeg yuav tos ib lifesaving transplant. Daim ntawv ntawd yuav muaj ib hnub twg muaj xws li ib tug neeg koj hlub.
  3. Koj qhov tseem ceeb thiab txojsia. Pub dawb yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws thiab selfless khoom plig rau koj.