Hla lub ntsiab ntsiab lus
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Lub rooj sab laj thiab kev tshwm sim chaw ntawm LifeSource

LifeSource Nyob ntawm 2225 West dej Rd N nyob rau sab qaum teb Minneapolis, MN. Peb nyuam qhuav txav los peb cov ntaub so ntswg thiab organ donation haujlwm lub tsev hauv paus ntawm no hauv 2014 nrog ib tug tsis pom kev zoo li lub zej zog sib sau ua ke thiab sacred chaw mus honor organ, qhov muag thiab cov nqaij mos hloov.

Peb muaj peb lub rooj sab laj chav rau cov neeg koom tes thiab nonprofit organizations (uas align nrog LifeSource' Qhov tseem ceeb) rau board rooj sib tham, kev kawm ntawv zaug, celebrations thiab ntau dua.

Kev tshwm sim highlights:

  • Chaav uas tuav 2 mus rau 110 tus neeg
  • Daim ntawv qhia txog audio thiab visual capabilities including projector/screens thiab/los yog saib xyuas nyob rau hauv txhua chav tsev thiab suab lub nruab  
  • Txhawb nrog virtual/hybrid rooj sib tham 
  • Qhua Wi-nkaus muaj
  • Nplooj siab chaw nres tsheb thiab
  • Tub los ntxhais neutral thiab log accessible chav dej
  • Nursing thiab thov vaj tswv
  • Catering chav ua noj muaj

ncig xyuas LifeSource Lub tsev – txhob txwm tsim thiab kauj ruam hauv lub hom phiaj.

tej qhov chaw

Lus nug?

Yog xav paub ntxiv, hu rau Celeste Hanson.