Hla lub ntsiab ntsiab lus
Get in the game and give the gift of overtime!

Apr 27

Midwest kev tshwm sim rau sawv daws

LifeSource Pub lub neej hnub celebration

Thov koom LifeSource Rau peb txhua xyoo Donate lub neej celebration li peb paub thiab honor ambassadors, nrog ib tug neeg thiab cov neeg hauv zej zog uas tau pab ntxiv peb lub neej-txuag lub hom phiaj. 

Hnub: Hnub Saturday, hnub tim 27, 2024
Lub sij hawm: 9:30 a.m mus rau 11:30 a.m.

Qhov chaw nyob: Minneapolis Marriott West – Waterford Ballroom
9960 Wayzata Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55426

RSVP Yuav tsum tau! Lus nug? Thov email Teresa Turner ntawm tturner@life-source.org.

Ntxiv rau Calendar


2024 Honorees 

Ambassadors xyoo
Becky Bjerklie, Donor niam
Lisa Stackhouse, double-Lung Transplant neeg tau txais kev pab  

Donation tus khub ntawm lub xyoo
Ramsey County kho mob Examiner

Tsev kho mob nrog ib tug neeg ntawm lub xyoo
M Health Fairview University of Minnesota Qhov Chaw Kho Mob – Kev Khiav Hauj Lwm Hauv Kev Khiav Hauj Lwm
Regions tsev kho mob
Sanford Medical Center Fargo 

Them rau pem hauv ntej puav pheej
Bob thiab Gayle Garrison, LifeSource Golf Classic Pawg neeg

Registry tej yam puav pheej
Jody-Kay Peterson, Program Director, Driver Services, Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Tony Anderson, thawj coj ntawm haujlwm, tsav tsheb tsheb, tsheb Minnesota Department of Public Safety