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Our Services

We save lives through donation and offer hope and healing

LifeSource is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation in the Upper Midwest.

It’s our privilege to serve the 7 million people who live in communities across Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and portions of western Wisconsin. We deliver life-saving transplants and life-altering tissue to those in need.

To complete our important work, we offer three core services:

Wall Dedication

1. We manage all aspects of organ, eye and tissue donation

2. We support donor families

Supporting donor families is at the heart of our work. We support the families of organ, eye and tissue donors at the time of donation – and in the months and years that follow. This includes:

3. We educate communities and healthcare partners about their role in the life-saving process of donation

Saving lives through organ donation is only possible through the generosity of individuals who choose to donate. LifeSource, is running a large “Check the Box” campaign and “Talk Donation” campaign to inspire all communities to register online or at the DMV.

For more than 20 years, LifeSource has worked to overcome medical mistrust and organ donation misinformation among Black and Brown populations, particularly large African American and Native American communities in Minneapolis/Hennepin County. We have seen donor registration rates climb in the process by almost 10 percent among those populations and 30 percent in general.

Building community support for donation requires collaboration with and advocacy by our wonderful partners:

The best thing about working with LifeSource is the collaborative aspect. They are fantastic about answering any questions you have and explaining anything you might ask them.

Pediatric Critical Care Physician, Donor Hospital
Support Our Work

Make a financial gift to LifeSource

Gifts may be made in memory of a family member or friend; or to honor a special person or occasion. Your philanthropic support helps sustain our programs to increase donor designation and support families.