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May 30, 2024 in Stories

Melanie’s story: A life made possible by organ donation

My name is Melanie, and I’m 39 years old. This year, I’ll hit the big 4-0. It’s a big number – a remarkable year… to be, as they say “over the hill…” dare I say, “middle aged.” But for me, this milestone isn’t just remarkable, it’s extraordinary.

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  • July 09, 2024 in Community, Our Experts

    What is an Advanced Directive?

    Why they are important, and why should everyone (young or old, healthy or sick) have one?

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  • March 26, 2024 in About Donation, Our Experts

    How Does LifeSource Support Donor Families?

    It is our privilege to walk alongside families at the time of donation and to offer support and resources in the months and years that follow through our Donor Family Aftercare Program.

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