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Writing to your loved one’s transplant Recipients

The decision to write to your loved one’s recipient(s) is a very personal and powerful experience. Donor families sometimes choose to write to transplant recipients to share information about themselves and their loved one. For some families, sharing with their loved one’s transplant recipient(s) helps them in their grief journey. We encourage you to write if and when it feels right for you. Anyone in your family may write, but we will always let the immediate next of kin know about the correspondence.

Writing desk with pen and paper

Please note: There are differences in writing to organ, eye and tissue recipients.

If your loved one was an organ and/or eye donor, you may make the initial contact and write whenever you feel ready. You do not need to wait to hear from your loved one’s organ and/or eye recipients.

If your loved one was a tissue donor, and you’ve received a letter from a tissue recipient, your family may then respond accordingly. If you have not received a letter from your loved one’s tissue recipient(s), please contact us so that one of our Donor Family Advocates can explain the writing process to you in more detail.

Sending A Letter to Your Loved One’s Recipient(s)

If your loved one was an organ or eye donor, you are welcome to mail a card or letter at any time to those recipient(s), or use our online tool below to submit your correspondence electronically. You may also include photo(s) of your loved one or family.

If there is more than one recipient, you can write a separate letter for each recipient or LifeSource can copy your letter and forward it to each recipient.

If you prefer to mail your correspondence: Place your correspondence in an unsealed, unstamped envelope. Include in the envelope on a separate piece of paper:

  • Your full name
  • Your contact information, if we have questions
  • Your loved one’s full name
  • Your loved one’s date of death

Send your correspondence to:
LifeSource Donor Family Advocate
2225 West River Road North
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Submit Correspondence Electronically

If you prefer to send your correspondence electronically, please fill out the form below.

Letter writing FAQs

Have questions?

If the right words seem hard to find, or you have any questions or concerns about writing, please contact a LifeSource Donor Family Advocate at or 1-888-536-6283. You may also contact one of our Donor Family Advocates below: