Receive support, hope and healing
As a donor family member you will receive support from LifeSource in the months and years to come, including invitations to remembrance events and opportunities to connect with other grieving families whose loved ones gave the gift of life.
If you’re a family currently in the hospital and have been presented with the opportunity for your loved one to be considered for donation, visit the resource support page.
We are here to support you as you navigate this journey of grief and healing. Please contact us at any time by calling 1-888-536-6283 or by emailing us at

Explore these opportunities to recognize and pay tribute to your loved one’s selfless act
Writing to a loved one’s transplant recipients
The decision to write to your loved one’s recipient(s) is a very personal and powerful experience.
Donor families sometimes choose to write to transplant recipients to share information about themselves and their loved one. For some families, sharing with their loved one’s transplant recipient(s) helps them in their grief journey. We encourage you to write if and when it feels right for you.
It’s our mission to support donor families
LifeSource is honored to partner with What’s Your Grief and provide an online learning space for our donor families wishing to explore, learn and connect around topics related to grief, grief-coping and grief support.
Follow the button below to find a library of free online grief support webinars, courses, articles and podcasts that can be accessed any time, from the comfort of your home.
Stories of donation
Men are the answer to saving lives
While men’s lives are greatly impacted by organ donation, fewer of them are registered organ donors. Our latest public awareness campaign, Men Are the Answer, aims to encourage men who are ready to register to get the facts and take action to save lives.
Pictured left: Coyle, kidney recipient, with his dad
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