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Donor Family Quilt Square

Bryan Scott Durst

Photo of Bryan Scott Durst

September 23, 1961 – September 26, 2003

Submitted by Carol and Marvin Durst, parents

We lost Bryan on September 26, 2003. He had been having headaches for only a few months. We thought it was due to a sports injury. Bryan went into the hospital on 9-24-03 for brain surgery. On the 24th he went into a coma. He was pronounced brain dead on Sept. 26th.

The picture on this quilt is of Bryan fishing on Lake Michigan. He and his brother were able to go on this trip just a month before his death.

Bryan had a 17-year old daughter that he was able to spend every other weekend with. He was just moving back home to live with us for a short time as he was buying a house and his daughter was going to live with him.

Bryan was laid to rest in a beautiful little country cemetery close to his Grandfather. He spent many summer vacation days near this place with Gramps and Grandma. He loved this country area.

Bryan had a fantastic sense of humor and always had a funny story to tell. Carla, his sister, worked with Bry for several years. She said everyone loved Bryan and loved to hear his stories and jokes.

He is loved and missed by so many.