Isaac Jason Szondy

October 27, 1999 – April 22, 2000
Submitted by Jason and Margaret Szondy, parents
Donor: Isaac Jason Szondy
We made this quilt square as a tribute to our son. He was a beautiful baby and his smile touched everyone who saw him. The fabric for the squares came from pieces of his clothing. We chose outfits that he had passed down to his baby brothers and that we had pictures of Isaac in. The picture in the center is one of our favorites because it shows off his dimples and his awesome smile. Isaac’s, Auntie Theresa helped to scan it on to fabric. Isaac’s, Grandma Griep used her quilting skills to help piece the squares together. His mommy, Margaret, sewed the quilt and tied it. The backing of the quilt square is the maternity top that she wore when she carried him home from the hospital. The embroidery was done by a friend of Isaac’s mom who knew Isaac.
Every piece of this quilt square has something special that Isaac touched. It was made with love and sorrow. This is never a time where we don’t miss him, but when we look at his smile we can remember how happy he was. We hope those who view this square will see that too.