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Donor Family Quilt Square

LaVerna E. Horsch

Photo of LaVerna E. Horsch

June 20, 1935 – April 2, 2008

Submitted by Cindy Olson, Roxy Salden, Randy Horsch, Chris Horsch, children

At the top of the quilt square is a statement that describes what meant a lot to LaVerna prior to her death. The job she was going to when she passed away. She was lovingly called “Grandma LaVerna” by the staff and all the little kids she helped at HLWW Humphrey Elementary school. Blue was her favorite color and the large heart symbolizes the big heart she had for them and each of her family members and friends. She was always willing to lend an ear, even to a stranger, and offer a kind and reassuring comment. Even when she would say, “Yes, I remember when you kids would do that…” was not said in a way to humiliate. She would tease and her smile was contagious, making everyone feel special and cared for. Her heart shaped picture on top of the larger heart is from her family as we surrounded her when she was alive and after the deaths of our father and brother. We surrounded her together and prayed, the day she died. The words on the blue heart expressing her families true feelings now that she is in our hearts and memories forever. The rose on the bottom of the blue heart is the shape that she chose to have sketched on her side of the monument at her final resting place and she had a figurine holding a red rose given to her that was called “Love.” The material under the blue heart is from her nightgown that she would wear. She was an Avon Lady for many years, along with her job at CTS/Fabra-TEk and camped many nights with her very good friends from the Late Risers camping group.