Ralph P. Stein

August 9, 1929 – July 25, 2006
Submitted by Pauline M. Stein, wife
Ralph was a caring husband, a loving father and grandfather. When we married in 1974, I was a widow with six children. He opened his heart to all of us – we had two children of our own, but Ralph always said, “There are no step-children – they are all ours.” He loved the grandchildren very much. He was an avid bird-watcher.
He gave me rose bushes for Mother’s Day and tended them. He took great pride in watching them bloom. Ralph had triple bypass surgery with mitro valve replacement on September 29, 2005. We were blessed with 10 extra months of his life. We all treasure our memories.
Ralph had a great love for nature. He was very active in sports like softball, bowling and horseshoes. He loved to hunt deer with our sons, grandson and granddaughter. He loved to fish and take camping trips with the family.
We did daycare for our youngest grandsons, ages 6 and 4, since the oldest was born. Grandpa did so many things with the boys. They miss him so very much. We have 11 grandchildren – six girls and five boys, ages 24 to 4 years.
The photo was taken on a family trip to Itasca State Park.