Tami Rae Facio

December 13, 1962 – January 19, 2003
Submitted by Norma Sims, mother
Tami was a perfectly lovely daughter!! She would do anything for us. If we ever mentioned anything we might need, she would have it for us the next day. She was also very giving to others. She would get 2 – 3 or more names of people at Christmas and go shopping for whatever, they had written down. She said she wanted her kids to learn to give. She was just a very kind person.
She loved her job because, there again she was helping others. Different people have come up to me and told me about Tami finding their cancer early on. She was an ultrasound sonographer and they are so thankful she caught it.
We still miss her everyday and will continue to do so. She was a real “bright spot” in my life. She had a heart of Gold.