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Nov 13

A Midwest Event for Donor Families

Virtual Donor Family Gathering

Please join us for our annual Donor Family Gathering honoring organ, eye and tissue donors, to be held virtually this year.

This event provides the opportunity to remember your loved one, celebrate the gifts they gave and receive a message of hope. The program will last approximately one hour; and following the program we will be hosting a virtual sharing time for those who would like to join us.

Meet this Year’s Keynote Speaker

This year’s event will include special keynote presenter and motivational speaker, Jason Schechterle.

A police officer trapped inside a burning vehicle, Jason suffered extreme burns to over 40% of his body, dramatically altering his appearance. He has undergone more than 50 surgeries, receiving tissue from generous donors, just to have the ability to accomplish simple daily tasks we often take for granted. 

His incredible story of survival is now his calling, sharing a new perspective on life, rebirth and transformation. His book, “Burning Shield,” chronicles his fight for life, his triumph over tragedy and the inspiration that enables him to continue to overcome unimaginable adversity.  

Please visit to learn more about Jason and his book.

Questions about the event?

Please call 612.800.6100 or email