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Donor Designation Rate by County – Play Your Part in Getting to Green!

Our team at LifeSource has created what we call the Getting to Green Map. Updated quarterly, the maps track the progress of the counties in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota that increase donor designation. Our goal is to have each county in the green!

If you are familiar with these maps, you may notice a slight change in reporting. To keep a pulse on current support for donation in our community, LifeSource has evolved the way we measure current donor designation from share to rate.

So what exactly is Donor Designation Rate?

Donor Designation Rate (DDR) is the percentage of individuals who register as donors at the DMV during a quarter. This is found by dividing the number of designated donors by the number of opportunities to designate as a donor in each quarter. This does not include those who register online, which is tracked separately so as not to double count; people can register in both places.

While DDS has been helpful for reporting in the past, LifeSource is making this change because we believe DDR will give us a better understanding of designation in our region in real-time. Additionally, DDS involves inconsistent updates out of our control, and any significant shift in population size (like in 2020) can impact on the numbers we report. For more information on this change please visit this helpful post on designation reporting.

Check out the state maps to see how your county is doing. Don’t forget to do your part in getting to green and register today. We appreciate you!


map of mn and designation rates

North Dakota

map of ND and designation rate shown by color

South Dakota

map of SD and designation rate shown by color