Joshua Korthouse
Shepherding Gifts from Donors to Recipients
I lead the organ procurement team who takes referral calls from hospitals, screens potential donors and supports the actual recovery of the organs. We also facilitate “moments of silence” where the donor’s family and surgical team can honor the donor. Finally, we package the organs for transport and work with UNOS to match them to recipients.
Early in my career while working as a Critical Care Nurse, I interacted with many team members from across the LifeSource organization. While working in the hospital environment, I witnessed first-hand the impact of LifeSource’s care and compassion: their focus on honoring families, their loved ones and their opportunity to save lives through organ, eye & tissue donation. Then, in 2005, I joined the LifeSource team.
I love working for an organization that is mission-focused and works to save lives and provide meaning to the people of our community. We have pride in our work – and serve the greater good.