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Jeana Dunker

Photo of Jeana Dunker

Submitted by Marc Dunker, husband

Jeana was my wife of 8 years. She loved to ride her own bike, but liked to ride behind me even more. We rode often together and visited many states. In this picture we are leaving Iowa going into Missouri. The sign simply said, “Missouri State Line”. Simple, like our trips. This is the only photo I have of Jeana and me together with this bike.

On the evening of June 17, 2008, while riding home, two deer ran out in front of us. I couldn’t stop fast enough. Jeana never regained consciousness and died June 21st, 2008, after being removed from life support. She wanted to be an organ donor and at the time she died she gave bone, tissue and skin donations.

She was so alive! And now she can still live by helping others to do the same.

“I Know You Rider” is a lyric from a song about how much a loved one is missed when they are gone. Jeana was my rider.