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Donor Family Quilt Square

Timothy Lee Pepworth

Photo of Timothy Lee Pepworth

December 17, 1977 – January 6, 2007

Submitted by Vickie Hackey, mother; Crystal Pepworth, sister; Allison Strong, sister; Rhiannon Strong, sister; Angela Curry, significant other

Tim was a social person. He was very active and proud to be a union carpenter and play guitar in his band. His greatest pride and joy was his son Nathan, who at the time of his death was only six months old. Tim touched the lives of many people just by being himself and wanting to live his life to the fullest. Tim’s love of life was what inspired us to have him be an organ donor. We find comfort in knowing a part of Tim lives on and another person was given a second chance at life. Tim’s life was just beginning and we regret that he doesn’t get to enjoy seeing his son grow up.