A Second Chance
Tim, and his wife Bonnie, give thanks today – and every day – to Tim’s donor and their family for his second chance at life.

Tim Bjork had his first heart attack at 33 years old. After years of medicine, monitors and defibrillators, he was put on a heart transplant list. But he got worse – too sick to remain on the list, in fact – and doctors had to put in an LVAD, or mechanical pump to help keep his heart functioning.
Yet, he pushed forward with hope. His health improved. Back on the list, he finally got that call he’d been hoping for – or what he calls “a gift tragically given.” On April 7, 2006 – a month shy of turning 59 years old – he went through a 12-hour operation to put in his new heart, the one from Chicago. Within a day, his health turned around.
Showing Gratitude by Giving Back
Tim, and his wife Bonnie, give thanks today – and every day – to Tim’s donor and their family for his second chance at life.
“The donors and donor families are the real heroes here. And any way that I can show them that something good came of the bad things that happened to their family – that for me is how I express my gratitude.”
– Tim Bjork, I am Hope 2012 campaign
Tim now drives advancements in organ, eye and tissue donation by serving on LifeSource’s Board of Directors. Tim and Bonnie together have also graciously included LifeSource in their estate plan.
“When it comes to LifeSource, we’ve been the recipients, especially Tim, but our whole family has benefited because of the gift of life he was given. If there is anything that we can do to make it better for [donor families], we want to do that for them,” said Bonnie.
What is Estate Planning?
Your estate includes of everything you own— your car, home, other real estate, checking and savings accounts, investments, life insurance, furniture, personal possessions. To ensure those things are given to the people or organizations you care most about, you need to provide instructions.
“When we did our estate planning, it was so gratifying to know that two state employees could leave a legacy to organizations that impacted their lives. Anyone can make a plan,” Tim said.
To learn more about estate planning and the LifeSource Legacy Circle – a program honoring those who designate LifeSource in their estate planning – please contact Laura Kelly Lovdahl, Development Coordinator, at 612-800-6299 or lkellylovdahl@life-source.org.