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Join Team MN-DAK

General responsibilities of a Team MN-DAK member are:

  • Attend and contribute to team meetings, held every 1 – 2 months.
  • Complete a Team Member Profile to be posted on our website.
  • Share your own story with your community to encourage support for donation and transplantation and to increase the number of people who register as a donor.
  • Submit a team membership fee of $150 by April 30, 2024.
  • Fundraise. Fundraising provides funding for continuing the mission of Team MN-DAK and helps offset the costs of attending the Games. Please see Team MN-DAK Manual for fundraising requirements.
  • Cheer on and support fellow teammates at the Transplant Games of America!
Donate Life Ambassadors

Application to join Team MN-DAK is currently closed. Watch for more information in 2025 on how to join Team MN-DAK for the 2026 Games. 

Team MN-DAK Participation

Team MN-DAK is a program of LifeSource. Team members are categorized as either primary or support team members. Download the Team MN-DAK manual for more information.

Interested in joining Team MN-DAK?

Please email or reach out to our Team MN-DAK managers: