Marisa Peterson
River Falls, WI
Connection to donation/transplantation
Liver Transplant May 1,1988 at the University of Minnesota Medical Center
Donor Family Member – Dad passed away and donated his corneas in 2014.
Competitions/Events at the 2024 Transplant Games of America
Bowling singles and doubles
How many Transplant Games have you attended?
All U.S. Games since 1996
Why do you participate in the Transplant Games?
They help me stay healthy and active as well as raising awareness of transplantation. It’s something to look forward to in life, especially since I get to see and be reunited with so many friends. I especially get to spend a lot of time with my transplant sister, Missy, during the Games! I also continue to participate in the Games to keep all my friend’s memories alive, those from the Games who have passed or those who passed while waiting. They are gone but I’m still here to carry on the mission….more donors, more transplants, less lives lost while waiting.
One thing you want others to know about donation
Without donation I would not have met my husband, step kids and adopted my 2 children. I would not have met my nieces and nephews and have the wonderful job I have today. I am grateful for the full life I’ve been able to live since my liver transplant 36 years ago!