Leslie Lindstrom

February 15, 1927 – December 1997
Submitted by Debra Brown, daughter
Dad was a multi-faceted man; husband, father to many, grandfather to more. Work never daunted him. For 38 years he worked at Andersen’s Doors and Windows. He also owned a business selling cultured sod. His sod felt like plush green velvet, adding beauty to businesses and homes alike – dark green, cool and soft for little bare feet! He was an adventurer and sportsman too. Hunting deer in Wisconsin and shooting a moose in Alaska of which he was mighty proud. Not a dedicated fisherman, he was very surprised to catch a trophy size trout in Alaska. He enjoyed watching his grandchildren play hockey, football and wrestling at school events. Throughout his life, Dad gave generously of his time and purse to both his family and church. In his death, he left a legacy of memories as well as providing others with an enhanced quality of life.