Share Your Number
Everyone who has been impacted by a life-saving transplant has a number, and we want you to share it!

What’s My Number?
It’s the number of days you’ve been able to spend with the people you love. Whether you’re the child or parent of a transplant recipient or have received a transplant yourself, we’re asking you to share your number with us for special video projects.
- To begin, calculate the number of days since you or someone you love received a transplant. That’s your number. Because we’re hoping to share these videos on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day please count how many of those you’ve had with your loved ones too.
- Next, follow the instructions below for how to take a selfie video and watch the short instructional video attached to this email for more specific instructions.
- Then, film yourself sharing your number. Here are some examples of the short but sweet messages we’d like you to share:
“My name is _____, and I’ve had ____ more days with my Mom because of her transplant.”
“My name is _____, and I’ve been able to spend __ more Mother’s Days with my Mom because of her transplant.”
“My name is _____, and I’ve had ___ more days with my children and grandchildren because of the selfless gift of my donor.”
“My name is _____, and I’ve had ___ more Father’s Days to spend with the people I love because of my transplant.”
- Finally, send your video to by May 1st. We can’t promise every submission will be used in the final videos, but we’ll do our best.
How to Make a Selfie Video
Here are some simple tips to help you put your best foot forward when creating your own video.

Check out this step-by-step instruction video:
Other Information About This Project
How will the videos be shared?
We intend to share the final videos on our social media platforms and on our website blog.
When will the videos be shared?
We plan to share the video with submissions from Mothers on Mother’s Day and share something similar on Father’s Day.
Can I still participate if my children are “fur babies” (pets who are family)?
Who do I contact if I still have questions?
Contact Lindsey Williams at